(no subject)

May 26, 2007 20:38

1. Something nice that happened to you today?
Hawthorn beat the leading team on the AFL ladder by six goals! Yeah baby!
2. When did you first read your favourite book?
I read LOTR when I was nine, and I still can't believe Lommy and Rikae beat me.
3. What is your favourite film?
Well, I have a few most HATED films... and I can't say LOTR because I know of all it's flaws now... I have no idea.
4. Can you swim properly?
Yes. I spent a good deal of time making sure of that.
5. Are you bigger or smaller than your parent who is the same gender as you?
Shorter, but only two inches and I have three and a half years to grow!
6. Do you watch sports?
Only really footy and cricket. I don't get into them as much as many Aussies.
7. What language do you find the most beautiful?
I despise the French... but Italian is good, and Gaelic is beaut' to listen to.
8. Which colour best describes the person you stole this meme from?
Black and white with a beak.
9. What is/was your favourite school subject?
English is easy for me, and I enjoy writing.
10. Have you ever seen a live penguin? If yes, what was seeing it like?
That's right, I live in the Southern Hemisphere, and thus there is a little island about 40 minutes drive away where a large number of the smallest breed of penguins in the world waddle to their burrows from the ocean every night. Frankly, I think the penguins are up to something, but perhaps some others think differently...
11. Which WW role you enjoy the most?
Only been a villager for the three games I played, unfortunately.
12. Do you resemble your parents and your siblings (if you have any)?
On my number of siblings, I am extremely lucky that no-one in a three (yes, three, great-grandparents) generation radius of me has died while I have been alive. Three of my grandparents are alive, two of my great-grandparents, and ALL of my dad's side is still living, aunties, great-aunties, all the uncles, second cousins... They're all born and bred in country Australia, though some moved out, and they insist on living! ; )
I am told I resemble my father, and I am obsessive, smart, witty (?) and left-wing like him too.
13. What colour are the walls of your toilet?
White, and they stay that way most of the time.
14. What were you like as a baby or a toddler?
With a very stable ego, and always thought no-one knew about my secret plans. : D
15. Are you younger or older than most of your friends?
Younger than you BDers, same age as my RL friends.
16. What colour are your socks?
Not wearing any. White usually.
17. What is the worst film you've ever seen?
Happy Gilmore. God Adam Sandler is a dickhead!
18. What is/was your least favourite school subject?
Ceramics. I can't sculpt.
19. Do you have a pet?
Had a couple of hermit crabs, but they 'ave shuffled off this mortal coil...
20. Do you have long fingernails?
Yep. Good for opening things, but they tap on the piano.
21. Which book did you last read?
A rubbishy 'thriller' called 'Pig Island'. It swears on every effing page.
22. What did you last eat?
Dinner. It was vegie soup.
23. How many first cousins do you have?
Ten. Three are babies/infants and another two are twins.
24. What kind of a chair you're sitting on? Or are you sitting on a chair at all?
A bed.
25. Do you prefer oil or water colours?
Water Colour.
26. When did you wake up this morning?
7:30, I can never sleep in.
27. Do you like Coca-Cola?
No. Down with McDonald's and the like!
28. Who was the first person you talked with this morning?
My deary mother.
29. When does your summer holiday begin?
Six weeks or so. I get my braces off then!
30. How warm is it outside right now? What is the weather like?
Dark, and I don't know how warm compared to Scandinavia and the like! About 14 degrees Celsius, at 9 o'clock at night.
31. Do you have a piercing?
32. Have you ever had fringe/bangs?
Let's see, I brush my hair about twice a year ... and I have never EVER done ANYTHING stylish to it.
33. Do you know anybody whose name begins with the letter X?
Xavier Ellis, a perpetrator in our 36 point victory over West Coast today.
34. Do you have white dots on your nails?
35. Would you rather have pointy ears or furry, big feet?
Pointy ears, though I often get sick of putting on socks.
36. Have you ever got detention?
Six times in two years. Three lunchtimes, for eating in Science class, playing games in IT and forgetting my Organiser, and three after-schools, for skipping a lunchtime (the second one), being late to school and not wearing my tie.
37. When did you last eat fast food?
Down with McDonalds!
38. Name just one country you'd like to visit.
39. Can you hear well?
40. Which transport you find the most comfortable or you like the best: car, bus, train, airplane, tram, metro, ship?
A sailing ship. I enjoy the rocking motion, it puts me to sleep. And it doesn't use petrol like the other ones.
41. Are you a fast runner?
I'm more of a Hurin than a Huor.
42. Do you know anybody with a big gap between their front teeth?
Apart from Lommy, no, they're all getting braces.
43. Do you recycle?
Yes! There goes some of my consumerist guilt!
44. Can you peel a potato?
Yes, barely.
45. What colour are your eyebrows?
Dark brown and very prominent.
46. Snoopy or Garfield?
Garfield is awesome. Though the movie is wierd.
47. How many hours did you sleep last night?
Eight and a half.
48. Do you like vampires?
No they steal all the girls. ; )
49. Is your teeth colour closer to white or yellow?
Blue. Though a bit yellow behind the braces.
50. Are you procrastinating right now?
For once, no! This is a massive first.

Just saw this on TV, thought someone would like it. It was on possibly the GREATEST government channel show of all time, Sideshow!

This program is brought to you by, the Threatening Bears...

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