Apr 16, 2008 18:47
That was a laugh.
The school bulletin, typed out and read out every day, listed the new club thing as being on Wednesday lunchtime.
I rocked up with a few other year 9s and in NO TIME the place was full of about twenty year 11s who were friends with the organiser, a year 11 called McGregor Todd. "Toddy" is apparently quite a character. The subject for the group this week was "Marxism", so, naturally, Toddy explained to us that we had been misinformed and the group was actually the beginning of a Communist revolution to take over the school!
We started off by writing our names and preferred political ideologies (guess which was most popular :D) in two columns.
Then we voted on a group name (though being reassured this was NOT a democracy). The winning idea was "Communists Unite Now Together". Guess why.
We've got a guy on the school council working for us to spread the revolution, known as the Inside Man. There was no-one called that at the meeting... Toddy's best friend was referred as "not-the-inside-man" so at least we know its not him...
Our goals:
1. A new uniform, completely red.
2. To refer to the teachers by their first names, and remove the notion of a class system.
3. The spread of a new C.U.N.T newsletter along with the school newsletter.
4. A full merge of all form groups in each year level into single classes, and eventually rid our school of year levels altogether!
5. New recruitment to add to the army.
6. Eventual overthrow of the capitalist ruling class!
Forth to spread the revolution!