yeah. what is years of friendship anyway? everyone just fails everyone.

Oct 12, 2004 01:56

HaNGnByaMoMenT32: seriously erin, its not onesided here
viciousriotgrrl: oh yeah and in order to make plans one would have to actually pick up the phone
viciousriotgrrl: yeah dan it is.
viciousriotgrrl: you'd avoid me at all costs. so i stopped calling you. you called me once when you were drunk and that was it.
viciousriotgrrl: and you got drunk and talked shit about me.
viciousriotgrrl: it's nearly one sided
viciousriotgrrl: why would you try to make effort with someone who just didnt give a fuck?
viciousriotgrrl: you only immed me b/c i might have been in burlington and alleviate your boredom.
HaNGnByaMoMenT32: or not
viciousriotgrrl: i'm not fishing for compliments or looking for pity
viciousriotgrrl: i think its true
viciousriotgrrl: because you just seem to drop me at any given time
HaNGnByaMoMenT32 is away at 1:54:41 AM.
viciousriotgrrl: yeah
viciousriotgrrl: i guess dan. fuck you

Auto response from HaNGnByaMoMenT32: Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.
Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

viciousriotgrrl: i guess thats all i can say. is fuck you
viciousriotgrrl: you're a crappy friend.
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