Jul 20, 2006 12:58
Hello Everybody,
If you are reading this then chances are you already know me. This is my first post, and i promise to keep it brief. Anyway, I hope in future to be able to do at least one post a week, weather or not i will keep that promise is anybodies guess, but here is to trying. I just got back from Walt Disney World in Florida and the trip was awesome. The weather was beautiful, and i was there both for the 4th of July and the 7th, which for the avid disney fan was the opening day of the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Both the movie and the updated ride were really worth seeing. For anyone who knows the ride well, dont worry the changes were very well done with a healthy dose of Disney Magic. The only thing that i missed more then anything else was my Bear,Sym. But I did have the next best thing with me, and for those that dont know, when my bear and myself became official, he was sweet and gave me a plush polar bear, Sym junior, to curl up with at nights when I dont have him in bed with me during the week, anyway, after six months of having my plush bear to curl up with i couldnt imagine going a whole week without, so yes, the bear came with. LOL, I know, im 23 years old and still need a plush bear to curl up with to fall asleep, but its is from my love and has special meaning for me, so I trust my friends will understand my little eccentricity.
Well that seems like a good start for a post, promise more in future.