Dec 19, 2011 09:43
I poked around through the tags and didn't really find anything so I figured I'd just ask. Last night I bought the Open for Business EP with the H&M/Kitchen SP from the Origin store (which may have been my first mistake). I made back-ups of my existing neighborhoods and moved my CC to a separate folder. Downloaded the game with no problems, installed it, and now when I open my game, it has no 'hoods at all. None of my "custom" (as in made from the default Maxis list of extra neighborhoods) 'hoods as well as none of the original preset 'hoods showed up. Just the "create a new neighborhood" option. I checked the neighborhood folder (prior to moving the back up file in) and it had folders for 4 'hoods so I'm not sure why they weren't showing up. I tried moving the back up files into the folder and deleting the neighborhoodmanager file, but still no 'hoods. The only way I could get them back was to do a system restore to yesterday morning (which removed OFB and the SPs it came with) and even with that, the custom 'hoods were gone even though I'd had them a lot longer than just yesterday. The EPs I have currently installed are Double Deluxe, Pets (with the M&G SP), Free Time, Uni, and Seasons. I saw a post on MTS that said they had a conflict with OFB and had to uninstall M&G first, but it worked after that. I tried that, still have no 'hoods. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully, I'm just an idiot and missing a vital step somewhere.
tech: installation,
- ep: open for business