My Semi-secret diary - A College Adventure

Aug 25, 2004 22:13

Day one:

very hot and sticky. I can tell who freshmen are because they look lost and forelorn.

Parents saying goodbye make me o so sad. very wet snuffly good byes.

Saw jon today. He wants to follow the rules about single-hand-holding. I don't want to follow the rules. Stupid rules.

Roomie from Chicago asked if I like....yes...hold your breath...can ya believe it...HARRY POTTER. Needless to say I freaked out going of in a tanget about Lupin and Glideroy Lockhart. She hasn't read the books because she doesn't like reading, but is seriously (siriusly) considering it now. YaY! GO ME!!!

Have heard there is REALLY and alligator in the pond!!! So siked! Have not seen alligator today.
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