Thank you to everyone who participated in Kore's 3-Card Draw.
Re-Launch Continues
We'll be offering a few more specials this week for the re-launch of the site. I was thinking $5 and $10 readings; but we'll have to see later on in the day. Perhaps we can come up with some way to shake things up, but alas this morning is for the epic task of laundry :p but it has to be done.
Jewelry Things
In shiny news I received confirmation this morning, that was sent last night, that our order has shipped from the supplier which means in 4-7 days we'll be able to make earring studs and also be able to make more necklaces because we were O-U-T out of knot covers and clasps after the rush of commissions Kore got at Yule.
Community: Discussions & Settings
We're going to start Discussion Topics here, to get more conversations going and chit-chat about other things, like ghosts, hypnosis, past lives, other psychic phenomena, that sort of thing. Are there any topics that you guys are interested in that you'd like to see us cover?
In other things Kore received some comments during the 3-Card Draw that seemed to indicate that the community was requiring people to join before they could comment on her post...however, that's not supposed to be the case. I went to 'tweak' the settings and found they were already set so membership is not supposed to be required. Now, initially this was not the case because I had the community locked down while I was working on the layout and things and forgot to change it BUT after my three-card draw it was supposed to be fixed. Can anyone who commented/joined after January 13th give me an idea of what it made them do? *kicks livejournal*
We are going to have some contests going on in the future, for free readings and also for some jewelry items or custom jewelry slots.
Featured Charity
We're starting a feature on
A Joyful Path (The Silver Path blog) where the first Wednesday of every month we talk about a charity that works on a local level to help people's communities. If there's a charity working in your local area you'd like to see us feature let me know. For more details see
these posts.
Future Specials
It's a tradition to do a Valentine's Day special on romance-related readings. Look for that coming at the start of February.