
May 15, 2008 13:40

After all that worrying over my period, the doctor refused to give me a pelvic exam this morning. "You're a virgin, and I don't want to penetrate you before your boyfriend does," were her exact words O_O Umm...how about checking me out to make sure everything looks all right and that there are no abnormal cervical cells?? Even virgins get things wrong with their female plumbing, you know!! I was kind of upset by it all.

However, I did get four months' worth of Ortho-Cyclen and will be starting it on Sunday...now I just have to figure out how to get it in Canada come September. Maybe I can get samples and stuff?

Right, I'm off to play Puzzle Pirates now. JOIN, IT'S FREEE, and extreeeemeeellyyy addictive! Besides, I get nice referral rewards if you do so under the reference Silvypearl :P

If you're already on PP and on the Viridian Ocean, check me out, my pirate's name is Silvyrose; join our motley crew! LOL

health stuff, bc

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