Title:Always Changing, Ch, 2
Author: Me
Rating: You know me, pg-13
Warnings: Swearing, adult themes and situations
Summary: Sitara is the sweet, kind girl she's always been and life is... easy. Simple. But things are always changing around her, and maybe its time she changed with them. Meanwhile, life is about to get a whole lot more complex
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“You will do no such thing."
“Okay, fine. I won’t tell him.” Snatching up her cell phone, Airi dialed a number she knew well. “You aren’t the only one with a Faythren for a client, sister. Hello, yes, Airithn Ciel for Keshani Faythren please. Oh yes, I’ll hold. Thank you.” ~The low cackling noise in the distance is me. Bwahahaha Kesha.
"No hard feels Tara… we both knew this wasn’t going anywhere anyway.” Bro. Plenty of hard feels. PLENTY. You just don't even know, dumbass... But you'll learn. >D
Ty looked horrified, leaning back slightly to stare at his friend. “Are you kidding me? Have you called the police Airi?”
Airi made a face, shaking her head. “Nope. Did one better. I called Kesha.”
Ty wheezed, staring down at Airi. “Kesha? Shit, you want the guy dead? That’s a half step away from Aveshar. Shit, I’d rather deal with Aveshar.” ~ ALL MY LOUD HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER AND EVIL HAND-CLAPPING. YES. YESSSSSSSSS.
“And this is why you win all of your divorce cases.”
“Damn right.” ZING.
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