frikkin' frakkin' grumble stupid computer mumble bleh.

Jul 06, 2011 12:56

i had a nice long post here about what's going on in my life, zoe, keeping house, adjusting to life outside the paid workforce, etc. then LJ ate it because i had a broken html tag in it. the restore from draft thing is no better, more than half the post is simply not there.

so, to sum up: i get here about once a month to check in on you lot. i don't write because i don't really have it in me, and what few thoughts i have to share i post to facebook via my phone. i can't keep my house as clean as i'd like, and though i know it's futile, i still try and i feel bad for missing my mark. child care is mentally exhausting, but rewarding. zoe is officially rose's daughter now, and we'll be adding me as a legal parent sometime in the coming months.

i hope you're all well.

life and death

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