So tired

Aug 23, 2007 11:08

I'm so tired of waiting around after job interviews to know the results. I know not getting the job is common and almost expected, but I cant help but be self conscious, kicking myself for doing one thing or saying another. Ugh. I hate this. Almost wish I was still just a student. It would be easier.

I'm still having trouble sleeping at night (which ends up with me crashing during the day). I know it's not healthy, but I just don't know how to fix it. At least I got a little sleep last night. I honestly think my trouble sleeping is coming from my anxiety's about money and work. I need a job with more regular hours so I can get out of this rut. Not having much to do in the day is driving me insane. I can't even concentrate on things that used to be fun and bring me enjoyment. ):

job search

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