The end is in sight!!!

May 14, 2007 13:04

I'm almost finished! About 90% done. All the filming is complete, and I've handed in my press kit stuff. I just need to edit it all together. Hopefully it will be 100% complete by 1:00 tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

I don't have any music. I have sound effects I can use, but I may have to go without music. The guy never got back to me, and I haven't really had time to call him. D: I might call tonight if I finish it, and see if he can get something simple to me by Wednesday. My friend who recced him said he can compose something in a few hours so two days should be enough time... assuming he is still willing. If he's not don't know what I'll do. Maybe use natural/ambiance sound effects instead. I'll figure out something.

I had been panicking because I had really wanted and was supposed to have finished today, but my teacher is the bestest teacher ever! <3 <3 <3

Oh yeah, my birthday is tomorrow! I'll be 23! xD Woo!

I guess I'll have to opt out of that floorset tonight. I wasn't put on for it, but Denise invited me for the extra hours (which would have been nice since this weekend was the first hours in months.

work, school, project

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