Otakon 2009

Jul 15, 2009 13:16

I leave for Otakon tomorrow on a 1pm train. Sadly this means I will miss the VAMPS signing since they changed their signing times after I ordered the tickets. Boo. Oh well, just seeing them live is enough for me, and I'll stop in at their panel.

I can't take my laptop, so no updates or pictures until I get back.

Though I will probably post things to my facebook, so if anyone wants to friend me on there (I update it way more than LJ these days) just search for Stephanie Peberdy. It should be the first choice. The crazy girl in pigtails and a red shirt. :)

Last chance, if anyone else is going to be at Otakon this year drop me an e-mail at thesilentsenshi @ gmail.com. I'd love to meet up for a concert or Panel. I do plan to attend the 18+ fanfiction panels, so if you go to that you should see me.

Here's the most recent picture of me: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1989579&l=edb076ad7b&id=620354869 I'm the one that looks crazy in the red shirt.
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