Feb 14, 2009 07:35
So I met the friend who dragged me to the movie premiere and got me hooked on the books.
She was glad I liked the books and we had a pretty nice discussion about it. At least until I said I didn't like Edward and found his and Bella's story rather unromantic. Err... yeah. I also happened to let slip I liked Jacob, and his perspective was my favorite part of the fourth book. Which seemed to automatically mean I was Team Jacob. I said I wasn't really, I just liked him as a character and his mindset was a refreshing change from Bella's, but she said I had to be team someone. I said, fine, I'm Team Alice. She said I can't be Team Alice and there was no Team Alice (LIES!). D: I was not happy.
I also let slip that I didn't really like S. Meyers style of writing, and I was sad that she couldn't pull off the brilliance I saw in kernels throughout the whole series and it was disappointing. Apparently my co-worker/friend thought that I meant she was stupid for liking the books/writing, which isn't what I meant at all. (I'm really pretty sure she was joking but it was hard to tell.)
After that I carefully held my tongue about my thoughts that Jasper and Alice were way more romantic than Bella and Edward (didn't want to push her). So, yeah... I still hold the belief that Edward and Bella's relationship through most of the series was highly unhealthy for both of them (especially Bella). I found it difficult to explain to someone who was so caught up in the romance of it to see the reality though.
By the time I got to the part where I found Bella's whining about being made into a vampire highly annoying, and my friend said she had been on her side in all the novels on that point, I kind of gave up saying my opinion on anything. It's hard to be diplomatic about twilight.
I didn't have the heart to tell her I found the series to be like junkfood for the mind. I think that would have caused irreparable damage.