Feb 05, 2009 13:14
I have finally succumbed to my friends urging and read the Twilight series. Yes this was the same friend that dragged me to the midnight showing of the movie the first night it came out. I was very uncertain going into the books since a lot of talk in some of my favorite communities were not giving very... flattering reviews.
Well, I have to say I was shocked to find how much I enjoyed it. I'm not sure if this was because I went into it with such low expectations. Granted there were times (especially in book 2 and 4) where Stephenie Meyer's writing made me want to hurt something. I really was not fond of Bella, and even Edward. But the rest of the Cullens (especially Alice, Jasper and Emmett) as well as Jacob and the other wolves were probably the redeeming factors. Hell even Edward and Bella grew on me a bit after awhile. The real reason I kept reading though was for Alice. She was my favorite part of the books.
I think part of why the series didn't get too annoying for me was that I completely disregarded Bella's narrative/opinions. If I disagreed with her I put it to her being blindly in love and not actually how things were in reality. So I suppose having it in first person helped it in the long run.
I found it very frustrating that at times the writing really had kernels of brilliance while at others things were happening that made little to no sense.
Someone else described the books like junkfood. You know they're not good for you but you consume them anyway. I felt it an apt description. They were an easy read and I got through them quickly. They were definitely entertaining at least. Call it a guilty pleasure if you will.
I've even found some really awesome fic for the series.
Now I'm finally reading Good Omens. Yeah, it's taken me forever. I've been meaning to read that book for years.