Sep 11, 2010 01:38

Somewhat copy pasta'd from my deviantart journal, since I didn't really feel like re-typing alot of it.

So, uh... Life has been aiight, to say the least.
Since I've been out of school, and I've been home all day, my video game addiction has reached an all time high and it was practically all I did...But, recently I haven't been playing as often as usual... I've actually been getting out of the house, and doing shit with my mom. Been doing alot of stuff with Amber now that she has a car.

I've been going to alot of Thrift/Consignment shops and looking at furniture for my future home. I've been looking at apartments around my area, since I figure I'll be here for a while... As much as I'd love to just run away, it seems it won't be happening.
Ohio seemed like the perfect escape... a place to stay and a job already all layed out. But, other things just keep getting in the way.
I really couldn't care where I go, if I could just go... Anywhere is better than here. I just feel so stagnant... and, the people surrounding me aren't making staying here worth it anymore.

And, I've recently dropped a friend that really wasn't worth being friends with. There was a lot of worry that I didn't need, and its all gone. I feel soo much better now. And, the funny thing is, its only be a few weeks.

I'm pretty excited for Halloween. I love the Fall season... There is just a feeing about it that I get, I can't explain it, but its a nice feeling.
In November, I'm going to be seeing Emarosa. I can't wait for that.

Anything that has happened since my last post? Which was last December?
It doesn't really matter to me anymore. Trying to put things behind me more easily than I used to.
I tend to cling to things, as I'm a highly neurotic person... And, I've been trying, little by little to change all the things that I don't like in my life
Hence the dropping of friends, for one.

I've decided to not use this journal for costuming/convention news, as I use my deviantart for that now. And, its not like I used it for that anyway. Its usually that I can hardly validate reasons to post anything. And, its not like anyone reads it. I started this LJ mostly to post to comms and whatnot, and I can never think to do that either. But, anyway... I don't even know what to do with this anymore.
Maybe this is only what its good for; for me to use as a IMSOBOREDNOTHINGELSETODOLASTRESORTINEEDTOVENTSHIT kinda thing?
I don't know.
I already know that my posts will pretty much all be 6th months apart.

I can't think of anything else.

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