(no subject)

Dec 14, 2012 18:20

For the shooting in Connecticut -

Gretl trailed breadcrumbs, so she and her brother
would always find home. When the birds ate the crumbs,
she stayed firm in her resolve -
the trees are only woods, she repeated,
the woods only trees, they cannot harm us.

She was certain in her innocence,
but there would be a day,
when the breadcrumbs did not light in the moon,
when the path home would not shine,
when the trees did not wait in rest
for them to pass.

She would take her brother's hand,
and stand her ground as the world fell beneath her,
and the pain ripped through her heart.

Home was supposed to be safe,
the trees were supposed to protect,
her brother supposed to always be there,
except for the times when they were


My sympathies to the families.

*pebble, so so many pebbles*

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