
Oct 29, 2012 20:45

I'm hosting a Autumn/Halloween-themed Poetry for the Masses! Here's the first freebie poem. Remember, at $20, I'll post a second freebie poem. At $13 dollars, I'll post a bonus 13-word horror story in honor of the season. Prompts are still being accepted.

This poem is part of the
silkroadallies 'verse.

Tutti i Santi Ognissanti

Not every western culture is the same,
as the Chinese are quick to learn.
While the United States encourage
their children to dress up
and beg for candy,
their Italian allies
instead honor their loved ones,
and their saints. Religion,
is, of course, something
they can understand,
building temples to honor
their ancestors, burning incense
at the graves. At first,
they're confused, asking about
the sugar skulls and all-night
vigils at the grave. The Italians
chuckle, "no, no, they say, that's
el Dia de los Muertos, not dissimilar,
but not the same." We, they explain,
pouring cups of tea, are celebrating
the Harvest as much as we are family.
We celebrate the Saint Martyrs with
a feast, partaking in spirits and
feast. We give our children tokens
too, encouraging them to be good,
for a visit from our loved ones
can be expected come morning.
"Ah, yes, yes," the Chinese nods
sagely, "none of this costume
nonsense. You - you, we understand."

<>This entry was originally posted at http://www.dreamwidth.org/12345.html. Please comment here or there. Comments on Dreamwidth are accpeted using OpenID.

poetry, cyberfund creativity

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