So, as I've lamented on her here a few times over the last couple of months, I've not written anything new in months. To the point, where I ache for it. (Not to mention, I'm fairly flat-bottom broke.)
This month also happens to be November, and while, no, I am not participating in NaNoWriMo, this does seem to be in the month to jump back in headfirst, and hope. So, starting Monday, November 7th, I will be writing a poem, and posting it here. For the rest of the month.
But here's where I hesitate. I can do as I have done before, where I post the poem public (for the length of the project, upon which it'll be locked away) with a donation button at the end, or I can post a summary of the poem based on prompts or inspirations, and post it once people have donated for it. Much like
ysabetwordsmith's Poetry Fishbowl, for those familiar with it.
There's also the subject of themes. I've had good luck with fairy tales before. I really do want to finish that Persephone-inspired series I started before the writer's block hit, or I could something completely different, so. Poll!
Poll Writing Project So, what do you'all think?