(no subject)

Mar 23, 2011 13:06

Packed: substituted another pair of nice slacks for the two skirts I was originally planning to bring as I think Minneapolis is still going to be cold for skirts. Scarves as opposed to funky necklaces or pendants, as I'm betting I'll appreciate the extra layer of warmth around the neck. Did finally get the backings for french hook, however, so I am bringing some funky earrings instead. Comfortable, but dressy-looking shoes. Layers.

I have spare batteries for my camera, a schedule written up of the panels and meetings I'm interested in. My e-reader is charged and filled with ysabetwordsmith's two poetry books, Suzanne Collin's The Hunger Games trilogy, and the two Mercy Thompson novels I have yet to read. I am also bringing my knitting. Ipod is charging.

There's mini tours (walking) organized every morning, and I'm hoping to get to at least two of three. Plus, I should have time to explore Thursday and Sunday evenings. Possibly a bit of downtime mid-day Saturday as well.

I'm meeting a contact for tea/coffee Friday afternoon. I'm planning to talk to the ArLiSNAP coordinators about getting more involved in the next year.

I need to throw granola bars into my bag.

I leave tomorrow.

No seriously, if all goes well, I'll be in Minneapolis in roughly 24 hours.

Here goes all.

arliana11 or bust

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