
Dec 04, 2004 16:14

Your Name- Alex Higdon
Nicknames: well, one girl here calls me Al, but no one else does
b-day: 2/5/86

~*HAVE YOU??*~
Been kissed? yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos? no
Been on stage? yes
Gotten in a car accident? yes
Death Valley on horseback? no
Stayed home? ... from school?  yes
Made homemade fudge? no
Seen the Eiffel tower? yes

Shampoo: whatever
Soap: whatever
Color: green
Day: saturday
Night: friday
Band: whatever
Season: spring
Commercial: whatever

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
Do you have a best friend? several
Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorite friends? no
Who's your funniest friend? of the ones in davenport... kc
Who do you go to the mall with the most? no one
Who do you e-mail the most? my parents
Who have you known the longest of your friends? matt?
Who's the loudest? matt?
Who's the shyest? i don't know
Whose parents do you know the best? i don't know...
Who do you go to for advice? parents, a few friends down here
Who knows all your secrets? God, myself, and that's about it
Who do you get the most surveys from? Matt
Who are you jealous of? no one really... well, maybe people who have snow right now...

Cried? no
Eaten fluff? no
Helped someone? probably
Bought something? yes
Dissected something? no
Cut your hair? no
Worn a skirt? no
Worn a tie? no
Been mean? maybe
Been sarcastic? probably
Gone for a run? no
Gone for a walk? yes
Gone to the movies? no
Gone out for dinner? yes (madrigal dinner... that was fun!)
Been kissed? yes  ;)
Felt stupid? yes
Said "I love you"? yes
Written a letter? no
Written a paper? no (hahaha!  no writing classes this term!  i win!)
Met someone new? no
Moved on? from where?
Written in a journal? yes
Watched your favorite movie? no
Given someone a present? no
Missed someone? no one specifically...
Hugged someone? yes
Had a nightmare? no
Fought with your parents? no
Fought with a friend? no
Been Scared? no

Showered? last night
Ate a meal? last night
What are you wearing right now? I :heart: NY shirt and jeans
Are you tired? no
Are you lonely? no
Are you happy? yes
Are you wearing pajamas? no
Are you hungry? yes
Are you eating? no
Are you talking to someone online? yes
Are you ready for this survey to end? no, because then i'm going to go practice cello
How long did this survey take you? a while

Type of sandwich: can't go wrong with PBJ!
Coffee or hot chocolate? hot chocolate
Cold or hot? hot
Big or little? either
Lace or satin? either
Red or blue? both!  lol
New or old? either
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