- B A S I C S H I T -
Full Name:: jes. that's it.
Nicknames:: jes, Jessi, Mess, Punky by my friend Paul
Chinese zodiac sign:: Ox
Location:: Lowell
Sex:: fuck yes!
Marital Status:: let's say single but interested
Current Hair color:: reddish brownish
Eye color:: blue, baby!
Siblings:: Carrie, Laura, Paul, Anthony
Pets:: 2 cats Oliva and Angel, a hamster named Jinx/Spanky and a tankload of fishies
- P R E F E R E N C E S 'N' S H I T -
Black/White:: black
Red/Blue:: red
Dogs/Cats:: tigers
Roses/Daisies:: roses
Beer/Liquor:: beeeeer
Underwear/Thongs:: commando
Hair: Short/Long:: long
Food: Mexican/Italian:: italian
Dark/Light:: dark
Day/Night:: night
City/Country:: city gal
Sheets: Solid/Animal Prints:: I love my tiger and leopard velvet blankets
- F A V O R I T E S H I T -
Color:: red and black
Animal:: tiger
Flower:: orchids
Beer:: Coors Light or Corona
Liquor:: Jagermeister!! Did you even need to ask?
Soda:: eh..usually diet stuff cuz it tastes better
Food:: Macaroni n cheese, fettucini alfredo
Book:: Go Ask Alice by Anonymous, Rule of the Bone by Russel Banks, Needful Things by Stephen King
Movie:: Donnie Darko! Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
- D O Y O U ? -
Color your hair:: sure. I used to but I'm not going to for a while
Have tattoos:: Yeap. wings on my back
Have Piercings:: lotsa
- H A V E Y O U -
Stolen anything:: haha i was a little klepto when i was a kid
Smoked:: sure
Pot:: let's get high right now
Crack:: only the one in my ass
Drank:: finally off my bender/binge
Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name:: neh
Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name:: ya
Posed for nude pics:: see me in the June '04 issue of Hustler
Considered a life of crime:: livin' it
Considered being a hooker:: livin' it.
Maybe a pimp:: only for myself
Been married:: fuck that
Been divorced:: nope
Ever paniced:: panicked? yea
- A R E Y OU (A) -
psycho:: lock me up
Split personalitied:: yea there's the drunk me and the sober me
Schizophrenic:: no
Obsessive:: no
Compulsive:: no
Obsessive-Compulsive:: haha. no
Depressed:: only sometimes
Suicidal:: noway
Homicidal:: Who told you that?! I was acquitted of all charges. I did not confess and am not under investigation for a murder that didn't even happen anyways.. next question
Genocidal:: i hate roaches
Pedophile:: ew
Obsessed with hate:: no
Photogenic:: not at all. almost alll pics of me come out weird
- D O YOU -
Have Anxiety:: sometimes
Mutilate animals:: :{
Idolize infamous criminals:: no
- H A V E Y O U E V E R -
Kissed someone:: of course
Been in love:: eh. don't think so
Been so drunk you blacked out:: yes more times than I'd like
Kept a secret from everyone:: yea I'm a spy
Set a body part on fire:: not one of my own
Had an imaginary friend:: sure when I was little. Ask my twin sister, she'll tell ya
Called or seen a psychic:: no but I want to sometime soon
Ever cried at a chick flick:: haha yea, but I'm a chick so it's ok
Had a crush on a teacher:: yea my freshman year band teacher at SHS
Found a cartoon character attractive:: Jessica Rabbit is quite attractive. Goofy is more my type tho, clearly
Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape:: Yes!
Watched Punky Brewster:: Yep
Prank called someone:: Used to be one of my favorite pasttimes when I worked at Starbucks
Eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after:: yea then I ate another box
Gotten in a car accident:: no..
- D O Y O U -
Wear eye shadow:: yea
Have a dog:: no but thinkin about gettin one
Want a tattoo, and where:: yea so addicting
Have any regrets:: i try not to dwell on the past but always look forward
Do you have a best friend:: yea one that I never see
Who do you go to for advice:: my sister usually
Who knows all your secrets:: Carrie knows most but there are things one will keep to themself
Who do you cry with:: myself
- D O Y O U B E L I E V E I N -
God/Devil:: you can't believe in one and not the other
Yourself:: absolutely
Your friends:: yep
Aliens:: i've been probed like 3 times so yea
Love:: somewhat
The Closet Monster:: haha no
One person for everyone:: nope i think there are different paths in life and different people along each path, it just depends on which you choose
Spell your first name backwards:: Acissej
Are you a lesbian:: HAH. no
Where do you live:: Lowell. You already asked me this
4 words that sum you up:: smart, fun, personable, i rock
- D E S C R I B E Y O U R -
Wallet:: it's black with a red star on it, it has a chain, and a nifty pocket where you can put your bills called a 'billfold'
Hairbrush:: a tiny little maroon one
Toothbrush:: purple and waay too big for my mouth. i need a new one
Jewelry worn daily:: my body jewelry. always my tongue and belly button ring. sometimes nose
Pillow cover:: flowery
Blanket:: i have two personal-sized velvet ones, one with tiger print and one with leopard print
Coffee cup:: i dunno there is a whiole cabinet full
Sunglasses:: black regular sunglasses. nothing special
Underwear:: sesame street. and 'Wednesday' when in actuallity the day is Saturday. Fun fact: If you turn them inside out you can get extra days out of em.
Shoes:: a lot of pairs...i wear em all
Handbag:: usually something big like my Greenday messenger bag
Favorite top:: my U2 shirt that I'm wearing now, and my long johns
Cologne/Perfume:: Adidas and Abercrombie. I think I want to start smelling better so I want to get some more
CD in stereo right now:: It WOULD BE The Strokes if the store had it dammit
Tattoos:: wings on my back
What you are wearing now:: my U2 shirt, long john's, dark jeans, studded belt
Hair:: down
Make up:: the usual
- W H O o r WH A T -
Do people say you look like:: I used to get Avril Lavigne. Now I get Bill Cosby
In my mouth:: my tongue ring
In my head:: my skull and a brain in there somewhere
Wishing:: i can move out this weekend
After this:: post it and then fuck around online
Talking to:: my sister
Eating:: nothing. just ate dinner
Person you wish you could see right now:: my bitch
Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month:: moving out!! my road test, getting my car on the road
The last thing you ate:: dinner; steak, mashed potatoes, beans
Something that you are deathly afraid of:: nuclear war, Carnies (carnival folk...small hands, smell like cabbage)
Do you like candles:: yes love them. I recently spent $40 on a fucking candle
Do you like hot wax:: uh, not in the way that you mean
Do you like incense:: sometimes it makes me nauseous
Do you like the taste of blood:: not in particular
Do you believe in love:: sometimes
Do you believe in soul mates:: eh..dunno
Do you believe in love at first sight:: sometimes love is confused with lust. but yes
Do you believe in forgiveness:: of course
Do you believe in God:: sometimes
Do you believe in heaven and hell:: sometimes
Do you believe in angels and demons:: yea