Back to the well.

Dec 14, 2007 12:52

You know, I always start up blogs and say that I'm going to post regularly, but then I usually have nothing to post. Does that mean that I live a boring life?

So I decided that instead of making a vague post on purpose, that I would come clean with everybody about what I am planning to do. I promise that it's not truly as nefarious as it sounds, and will probably not be much that anyone cares about. This is going to be one of those full updates, where I talk about various different subjects, a lot of which everyone already knows about.

I'm going to LJcut these, because I'm sure that I will get wordy.

Work: Work is going alright. I totally bombed the first few days of my new schedule (8:30am - 5:00pm), but otherwise it has been ok. It has surely been a switch to get off of work with half of the day in front of me. I am used to working nights, leaving me with no time for anything during the week. Hopefully I can continue, but a schedule bid looms next week, and with Sitel extending our hours until 11:00pm, I think the odds of me ending up on a closing shift are likely. I've had a lot of trouble getting motivated at work lately, so my stats have been suffering. This is an issue because our schedule bid order is based 50% on our stats, and 50% on seniority. We will just have to see what happens. I've been jaded lately because there have been a lot of things going on here that I don't agree with. There have been promotions of persons who walked out on us in the past, job postings that no one was informed of, and various others issues. The penultimate issue I've been dealing with is the loss of air conditioning on the call floor, where we run about 200 - 300 computers at one time. Needless to say, it's pretty hot in this mother. We're talking 80 - 95 degrees of hot. I know that it could be worse, but you have to keep in mind that we don't really have the opportunity to walk around, we mostly just sit, which is bad. The company purchased some small fans and expect that to make up for it, but we're talking six small fans and over 150 people at any given time. It's been this way for about two months now, and just a few days ago a fellow employee was talking about getting dizzy and having to go home. My supervisor responded that the guy would have to take a hit to his attendance, which means possibly being written up. I'm sure at some point that's wrong, but it's just another on a long list of issues that we are currently having. I personally have been using it as an excuse to wear cut off shorts and flip flops to work.

Camarilla: Ok. Let's get it out there, since most people know. I will be running for Regional Coordinator in the coming election. It's about a month and a half until the All Call for applications goes out. I've been wanting to drop this little piece of info for a while, but didn't want to seem overexcited about the whole thing. I mostly wanted to get an early start on campaigning, and I'm hoping that getting the word out will convince others to go ahead and announce their intention. I'm also going to be running for VST Requiem for the Beaumont domain. This will be the first time that I have reprised a position within the Camarilla, and I was talking to Kevin the other night and he explained to me that I'm a lot better now than I was then. That too will be in February, so I have a lot of time to prepare and get things in order to be able to run games. Our current set up has been working, with renting out a local community center at a rate of $40 a night. It hasn't been bad since we are making nearly twice that on our site fee, drinks, and snacks. I've been toying around with a few new character ideas, as I have been playing the same characters since joining the organization in 2005. I'm going to let the current characters stay the course, but I have plenty on the backburner in the event that anything happens.

Projects: With everything that has been going on, I've had a lot of time to sit and think about a lot of things. On my mind the most has been the idea of what I want to do in life. I'm probably going to finally start college next fall, and the thought of it scares the crap out of me. The more I think about it, the more I keep coming back to the same course of action. I want to create things, to author things. Then Chad informed me that he would be moving back home, and as most people know, Chad and I are always talking about things, but with him living in Dallas and Huntsville the last year, we haven't had much of a chance to get anything off the ground. He wants to come home and start fresh, and we've teamed up for a few projects that I am going to make sure get off the ground. First, we will be producing an online webcomic. And not any of that amateur stuff you see, but a full fledged in your face comic. Hosting for a website is really not that much, and lasts for a year. So if we have everything to go before we even purchasing the webspace, it will mean that our comic will be given nearly an entire year to run. Also, we've decided that we are going to co-author and co-produce a tabletop roleplaying game. I know of lot of this is probably going to get a, "Yeah right," reaction, but it's the truth. I don't think that I have ever been more serious about anything that I have tried to undertake. I've also resurrected a book idea, ditching my old concept and keeping the aspects that I really liked. It meant having to go back to the well, but I think all in all that it was good for the project. The new idea will be a much more personal story, and rather than throwing in aspects that I know nothing about, I have decided to stick to things that I do know about, and adding that literary flavor.

All in all, read the Dresden Files. Watch Heroes. And remember that life is not something to take serious, you'll never make it out alive.

- Adam

work, general, life, roleplaying, project, camarilla

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