Jul 01, 2019 15:52
I was in a decent mood earlier, playing guitar. But now I'm just like..... I don't know. I can be happy and then switch to feeling depressed. I try to express it through Poetry. Or the lyrics to songs I like that I share on FB. I've got Mental Health issues, I'm going to struggle. And I'm sorry... I love everyone who tries to help, but, just suggesting that I be more "positive" and do positive things. Won't make the Depression magically go away. It isn't that simple. But, thank you for wanting to help.
I try talking and praying to God, and Jesus, and yes, the Mother God. (I'm sure someone won't like that last one)
it helps but I still have a chemical imbalance. I still have a mental illness, and anxiety, and depression.
I have times when I'm a bit happier now because I'm on birth control. But like, I wish I could be happy.
I wish I could find that right person, marry her, and maybe even have my own family someday.
But I think that might be too much for me.
I don't know.
Maybe I'll go play Just Dance and see if that helps.