Need exercise help

Jul 05, 2013 18:22

Okay, so my family and I rejoined our gym so I can start getting some more exercise in. It's been a long time since I have worked out like this and I just have one question that I am hoping someone can answer. How do you know when you are pushing yourself too hard. I always seem to cross the line between getting a good and full work out and pushing myself to the point where I can't move my limbs for days. Just last week I over did my arms and I was so sore that I could barely even sleep (of course the tense muscles made my join problems flair up, so that was a contributing factor). So yeah, I want to be careful, but at the same time I don't want to under do it either. Working out is just that, WORK. Hard work. Especially when you have spent the last couple years sitting on your ass. So how do I know when I am crossing the line.

I am just so bad at using my own judgement, so I will take any advice you give me.

personal, exercise

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