Think I'm In Love (But It Makes Me Kinda Nervous To Say So) , 4/6

Oct 29, 2010 23:40

Title: Think I'm In Love (But It Makes Me Kinda Nervous To Say So), 4/6
Pairing: Oscar/Andy
Rating for this Chapter: PG
Word Count: 1,220
Spoilers: Through "Secret Santa"
Disclaimer: If I owned The Office, it'd probably have a lot more gay drama.
Summary for this Chapter: Oscar's having second feelings about Matt, and the rest of the office becomes suspicious.
A/N: Still no betas.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Oscar blushed when he saw Andy come into work that day. He had no idea how he was going to act around him, or if Andy was going to bring up what had happened between them.

"You know Oscar, just because you've chosen a sinful lifestyle for yourself doesn't mean you have to subject the rest of us to it." Angela glanced over at Andy, then back at Oscar. Kevin looked around confused, as usual.

Oscar bowed his head down further and tried to ignore Angela's tauntings. He couldn't focus on his work, and he continually had to resist the urge to glance over toward Andy's desk. He knew his thoughts were wrong. Even Angela knew his thoughts were wrong, and admitting that almost made him nauseous. He figured that when Matt came up to visit him for lunch, this whole Andy obsession would just blow over.

Needless to say, it didn't. During lunch, all Oscar could focus on was everything about Matt that annoyed him. For one, Matt always ate a meat sandwich with a side of yogurt for lunch. Today it was turkey with raspberry yogurt. On Friday, it was ham with blueberry yogurt. He would always accompany his lunch with one plain water bottle. No soda, no juice, no coffee, always water. Always one water bottle, one meat sandwich, and one yogurt.

It didn't help when Andy walked in the break room with a plate of lasagna. Lasagna had flavor, spice. It had many layers with a bit of added cheese, a lot like Andy himself. Matt's meals were more... like Matt.

"Hey Matt, what do you think about getting Italian food after work today?"

"You know I have to go to the gym after work every day, sweetie." Oscar let out a sigh. "What about after the gym?"

"I have to go home, take a shower, and feed my dog. I just don't think there's enough time to fit in going out. How about a rain check, though?" That was one extra thing to add to his list of Matt's annoyances. He always had his daily rituals planned out. He wasn't flexible enough to change them, ever. He lived his life according to schedule. That was something Oscar used to like about him, but now, he almost couldn't stand it.

He looked over at Andy sitting with Dwight, hearing them laugh, knowing it was probably all some scheme Dwight had set up anyways. As long as it made Andy happy, he didn't mind it much. He got up and went over to Andy's table.

"Mind if I join you guys? I forgot to bring a lunch and I was wondering if either of you could help me out." Dwight looked up and glared at him in preparation of a lecture, but then decided not to waste his breath.

"Why don't you just ask your boyfriend Matt if he wants to lend you some food?" Andy asked in a snarky tone, shoving another forkful of lasagna in his mouth.

"Matt doesn't like to share food."

"I don't blame him. Who'd want to share with you?" Dwight whispered into his own beet salad. Oscar rolled his eyes and continued.

"I was just in the mood for Italian food. Sorry to have bothered you."

"Why would you ask both of us if you were only interested in Andy's food? That seems a bit pointless." Andy cut him off. "Are you sure you're not in the mood for some Warehouse guy food? I heard the Warehouse guy food smells like the Warehouse. And stupid."

Matt glanced over with a puzzled and offended look on his face. "Alright Andy, I get it. Sorry to have bothered you." He walked reluctantly back over to Matt and sat down. Everyone else in the room looked at each other, some whispering, others just staring.

"What was that about?" Matt asked in a skeptical tone. "Nothing, I'll tell you about it later."


It was close to 5 and everyone was packing up their stuff to go home. Kelly grabbed Oscar and pulled him out into the hall.

"So you know that like, everyone is talking about your little thing with Andy, right?" Oscar took in a deep breath and tried not to blush.

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about, Kelly, but it's really none of anyone's business." Kelly was unconvinced.

"You know, about how Andy had this big mongo crush on you, and he has ever since you guys like hooked up in like Canada or something. And he was only with Erin because she was like his beard. And like they think you're only with Matt because you like want to make him all jealous because he wouldn't break up with Angela even though she was totally cheating on him with Dwight. But now he's single and basically everyone knows that he's gay, and that you're like totally leading him on."

It's not that he didn't expect rumors to start circulating, he just didn't expect how accurate they would be. "No, Kelly, none of that is true. Andy isn't even gay, and I'm with Matt because I want to be. It has nothing to do with making Andy or anyone else jealous. There is nothing and there has never been anything going on between me and Andy."

It stung a little to say the words, because at one point it was true. Now he was far too invested to even consider the possibility that they were still true.

"You know Oscar, everyone's going to find out the truth eventually. You might as well stop pretending." With that, she pranced back into the office.

He walked over to Andy's desk. "Hey Andy, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" All eyes were on him, waiting to see what happened next, but he tried to ignore them.

"What, you're too afraid to talk about me where everyone can hear you? You're afraid people might hear you breaking my heart? I think that's pretty cowardly of you." Oscar quickly tried to hush Andy, knowing it was far too late. Of course everyone would find out.

"Please, Andy, it will just take a second." Andy stood up and the two of them walked out into the hallway.

"Andy, I'm sorry if I've hurt you, but I really don't think it's everybody's business what does or does not happen between us." Andy stopped him.

"You know, I know there's something between us. I know there is, and I know you have feelings for me, okay? I can be really stupid sometimes, but this time I know what I'm talking about. I know that kiss meant something, but I'm sick of you pretending that it didn't. I'm sick of you pretending that all you care about is your little Warehouse boyfriend. Do you even like him? I've already given up so much for you. A few months ago, I couldn't even deal with the idea of people knowing that I was gay or whatever. But now, I've accepted it, and I've accepted how I feel about you. I think it's about time you do the same." Andy didn't wait for a response; he just walked back to his desk, gathered his things, and left, without so much as a glance back in Oscar's direction.

Part 5

television: the office, fanwork: fanfic, pairing: oscar/andy

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