Apr 21, 2004 14:05
In high school I was forced to do community service. I thought one great way to accomplish this task was through the Special Olympics. I signed myself up online and went to Sac State to help out with the family receiving desk. I walked up to the desk and was kindly greeted by a nice lady. I said, “I’m here to help out, what do I do?” She said, “No honey, you are here to compete, here let me help you out.” At first I didn’t catch what she was getting at. Then I realized, she thought I was a competitor……. at the Special Olympics….. and since I didn’t have any visible physical disabilities…….. she must’ve thought I was mentally challenged. I said, “ No! I’m here to help” and she replied, “Isn’t that cute, here’s a lollipop.” I took the lollipop and it was delicious.