Apr 15, 2004 14:37
So, ISS was Ethiopian-rific today. Blah. But Hubbard meals ease the pain of a bad lecture.
When I got back I decided to ride my bike to the capital building and see how close I could get to Granholm. I wanted to give her a high five or something. When I was riding past an intersection by Sparrow Hospital, some dude wasn't looking and started creeping forward, so I had to dodge his car. Sadly, the curb was waiting for me. POW, my bike slammed into the curb and I flew a good 3 feet or so. I fared ok, just a few scrapes on the knee and hand (I'm a CAT, I can land well). Unfortunately my bike didn't fare so well. My bike now has a pretty bent up front tire and a snapped break wire. Now I have to take the bus places again...booo. Oh well, I'll just get it fixed.