May 06, 2008 23:57
Yeah, North Carolina!!! She's going to drop out. I can taste it. "If anything, Mrs. Clinton’s options for overtaking Senator Barack Obama may have dwindled further" writes the NY Times.
I seem to have scratched my cornea, or damaged my eyeball in some way, so I will be glasses girl for the next few days. Serves me right. I fell asleep without taking my contacts out about a week ago, and then left them in until noon the next day.
On a brighter note, I planted some mint about a week ago -- and they just started to sprout!! How cool is that?? It's either mint or basil.... now I'm not sure. I planted them in the same little pot, and right now, one of them is kicking the other's ass at growing.
Song: Peter Gabriel "Digging in the Dirt" -- simply because it's in my head and I have no idea why.
Editor's (that's me!) note: It's basil. Mint takes twice as long to germinate. So next week maybe? I just hope I'll be around to see it... ::tear::