Depression and Anxiety

Dec 04, 2007 15:14

Contrary to what the title of this entry would have you think, I am thrilled!  My boss came to me today to ask if I would be willing to take on the Managing Editor role on another journal: Depression and Anxiety

Woot, I thought.  Not only do I love managing editing, but this is content of particular interest to me.  I've been saying that the only thing I would change about the job I have is that I would be working on more brain-related material.  And here is is!  Right here!  It's also kind of a fluke that I going to be able to take this on because the editorial manager is not actually my boss.  She's a member of the medical journals team but based in Minnesota.  She just needed someone to take this on and asked Danette if I would do it.  Another funky thing:

He was formerly Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at Brown University and founded clinical psychology internships in both settings.  Currently, he is Professor of Psychology, Research Professor of Psychiatry, and Director of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University.

Awards include a certificate of appreciation for contributions to women in clinical psychology from Section IV of Division 12 of the APA, the Clinical Psychology of Women; and a MERIT award from the National Institute of Mental Health for long term contributions to the clinical research effort. He is Past-President of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy!
I remember him coming up early on in the ever-adored-by-me Behavior Modification seminar for his contributions to the field, in particular with regards to in vivo exposure treatments for anxiety.

What will be really interesting about this journal?  Pharma influence.  Probably more on that in the months to come.

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