Aug 11, 2005 00:53
I hurt: when I'm missing someone
I love: my job, my boyfriend, my family, my friends, my pets
I hate: ignorance
I cry: when I feel lonely, or left out.
I watch: myself and my friends growing up
I fear: death
I hope: to really be happy
I sadden: when I fear not being happy for the rest of my life
I feel alone: when I can't reach people
I kill: absolutely nothing except spiders if they are around my bed.
I talk: to everyone I find interesting
I listen: to my head way too much..
I wonder: if I need to be more courageous
I break: my wallet
I see: right now? Cats.
I smell: green tea
I taste: ^^^
I need: to sleep
I work: at Starbucks!
I remember: high school fun-ness...times were so easy and good!
I hold: grudges
I hide: my feelings
I pray: not enough
I walk: not enough
I drive: 2000 Hyundai elantra
I read: Harry Potter, eventually
I burn: fires?
I breathe: lots.
I play: Poker, online...not for money
I have: too much stuff
I miss: my grandma and my kitty
I touch: myself. LOL jk. I touch the mouse, and the keyboard.
I want: to be happy!
I wish: I didn't have to work Friday
I know: myself more everyday
I dislike: fake people
I dream: less often than I used to.
I have: no money
I fall: at work
I wait: For the weekend
I live: with my mommy
I die: hopefully 80 years from now
I need: attention
I hate: nobody...only actions they commit
I crave: nothing
I regret: very few things
last cigarette: awhile ago
last kiss: ummmm Monday?
last good cry: Last week when I freaked out at work. =/
last library book checked out: one on "Out of Body" experiences that I read a long time ago with Brandon and couldnt find for years
last movie seen: Dark Water with Mike, Jason, and Ashley
last book read: waaaaaaaaay too long ago
last cuss word uttered: "damn" I think
last beverage drank: green tea...Zen from SBux
last food consumed: 3 rolled tacos
last phone call: Mike
last tv show watched: Friends
last shoes worn: Black Vans
last cd played: The Killers
last item bought: 3 rolled tacos
last downloaded: some Bjork songs
last annoyance: Having to pee
last disappointment: when a bazillion people bailed on the Yosemite trip
last soda drank: diet coke
last thing handwritten: list of camping stuff
last word spoken: "drive safely"
last sleep: last nite
last im: Don't remember
last weird encounter: DEFINATELY today at work when Brandon and Christal came thru drive thru.
last ice cream eaten: A lonnnnnnnnng time ago
last amused: at work tonite
trippin on drugs? nono
last time in love: now!!
last time hugged: by my mommy today
last time scolded: ^^^^
last chair sat in: stupid question this one
last shirt worn: black polo for Sbux
last time dancing: at kareioke kinda sorta
last poster looked at: James Dean and Marilyn Monroe
last show attended: Street Scene
last webpage visited: LJ! Before that, myspace!!
1 MINUTE AGO: here
1 HOUR AGO: at work
1 DAY AGO: home, sleeping
1 WEEK AGO: working
1 YEAR AGO: uhmmmm...with Mike?