Branne's first pig show and poor Tess

Apr 02, 2010 08:23

April 2, 2010 by Shelley Comments (0)

So I didn't write about last weekend's show.

I brought our Dobie pup, Branne (Bron-yah). After I dollied in three big carriers plus two small auxilliary carriers, I carried in my table, set everything up, then wen back and dollied her in in the crate, covered by a blanket. I stuck the crate under the table and, for the most part, she was pretty unobtrusive. She whined a bit but was overall very good. The banshee is getting quieter each day, thank dog.


There were a lot of Solid A Teddies. Just let me complain one more time how I hate that my brindles have to compete against my roans. Oh well, at least by thusly (not on purpose) padding the entry, I did get two legs on a little roan sow who won BOV but was beat by a couple agoutis for breed. I really thought my fat brindle sow would beat all my others, but one judge actually seemed not to like her at all.

This little roan sow is the daughter of my almost-perfect TSW Teddy Chess. He's gone to live with breeder friend Lori to spread his broken genes among her herd. I needed his excellent conformation and coat genes, but unfortunately had to take the white spotting along with him.


My barely-senior Texel boar won BOB both shows, but there really wasn't much competition. One other (senior? intermediate?) sow was very nice, but my boar's coat was in slightly better shape. HA. WAS. He actually matted a bit between judgings. Right now his whole back end is a rat's nest. I'll try one more time to groom him, but there's one more of my Texels probably's never going to have that third leg. Oh well I don't think he has a full pedigree anyway.

I showed two babies. They were big boys, 13 oz and I THOUGHT they were over 4 weeks old but I later checked the calendar and they were only just over 3 weeks old. Poor babies, no wonder they stayed huddled. The one baby is out of Tess and has her markings and is getting really nice curl. The other out of Rally has a slightly better head and nice distribution of patches but not quite as much curl. Tess's boy won first both shows.

Just before the show I got a false alarm I might lose my job so I panicked and dumped pigs. One I sold was Tess. **Sniff** I'd raised her from a pup and didn't realize how attached I'd gotten til she was gone. I sold her to a breeder whom I don't agree with, in the way he cares for and handles his animals. He said he wanted her as a pet for a grandkid. At least she won't be with him. I just pray she'll be well-cared for. She's known nothing but gentleness and clean cages all her life. Must. Not. Dwell.

Anyway I feel rotten about it, hopefully have learned my lesson and will try to be more conscientious in the future.
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