Apr 18, 2005 19:46
[Your personality.]
1) Here is a classic: What is your favorite color and why?
Depends on the situation. I LOVE purple and lime green, but I'd never be caught dead in them. I like brown to wear, and blue is nice too. I'm not a big fan of pink though.
2) On a scale from 1-10, how much are you okay about yourself?
9, I take what I can get :)
3) If your personality was a shape, which one would it be?
Is this a trick question? Lol. Well, apparently I'm predictable. *glares at jamie* I don't know if I'd be a specific shape. I'd be something wierd, like I decahedron. :D
4) What is your favorite type of weather? Why does this relate to you?
Well, I love sunshine (absolutely cloudless!), because everyone is so much happier when the sun is out. Its so true its quite scary. I also like sunshine because it makes happy too. HOWEVER... I love snow at the beginning of winter where the snow is sooooooooooo pretty. Its just so peaceful, and I love tranquility and peacefullness. AND I like thunderstorms too. I'm not quite sure how they relate to me. Maybe... I flash bright lights too?
5) Are your friends generally younger, same age, or older than you?
Most are older. I USED to be the baby... that was, until nikki came along. :( Lol, you know I luv ya
6)What animal do you relate to the most? Why?
A cat because I'm very curious and I love the sun. Also, I like to explore and just be left to myself alot.
7) Can you generally hold long grudges?
Not generally, but if I hold a grudge, believe me, they earned it.
8) How many chances do you give people before you detach from them?
Usually three, but I've been stupid before.
1) What is your dream job? (Don't think of money, college or anything.)
2) Are you more of a group worker, or individual worker?
INDIVIDUAL! I like to jsut be left alone to figure things out by myself. I do appreciate input though. I just need time to think, I can't think when there's lots of people around
3) On #1, is this job something below, same, or above your capabilities?
Well... I think I can do it, but I really need to get going and start figuring things out.
1) What does your dream house look like?
I want the same yard that I have now, with a big window that looks out to it. I want a house about the same size as I have now, but I'd like it to be brick (depending on where I live). I want it to be pretty. And I want to decorate awesomely. I honestly really love the house I live in now, but it could be interesting to try somehting new.
2) What are some of your future hobbies you can see yourself doing?
Rock Climbing, Tennis, building random shit, artstuff
3) What is your dream personality in the future?
What kind of a question is that? I don't really plan to change. I guess it would be nice to be somewhat outgoing, but I think that I will be.
4) If you were rich, would your dreams change then what you said above?
Depends how rich I was. I don't know, I don't really have high expectations. Personally, money doesn't buy happiness for me. I'd probably give a lot of it away. I really like giving gifts believe-it-or-not. :D I don't know, I'll see what happens!
[Love and such]
1) Do you see yourself married in the future?
Lets hope so!
2) What does your partner probably look like?
Your mom.
3) What state (if in the U.S.) or country would you live in?
Canada! I refuse to live in the united states. I'd like to live somewhere other than Ontario. I don't know if I really like this province.
4.) What's your partner's job?
Does it really matter? I'd prefer not to marry a truck driver or a garbage man :D
5) Is your mate involved in the same belief system (religion, or thoughts or etc.) or do you prefer someone different from you?
Ummm.... I think that they wouldn't be overly religious. Cuz that would drive me absolutely nuts. Its be nice if he had some intelligent thoughts on religion, but I don't know. Again, it doesn't really matter.