Don't touch my cat

Dec 27, 2003 10:40


funny story

Last night I discovered text messages. I don't have a cell phone because I'm poor, but I was playing with Brittany's and was all "Ooooo text messaging!" So I started sending 23049875230497 text messages to Marta, Kuba (both of them were at my house), Justin, Jane, and Dave. Marta was all "Randii, you're a fag, I'm sitting right next to you" because I kept sending her things such as: "Don't touch my cat!" "Come here!" "Penis!" and you know, stuff like that.

Well they all (Kevin, Dan, Kuba, Cal, Brittany, Melony, and Marta) left at like 11:30 (Kuba and Marta had to be home at 12). At 12:20 Justin called me so we were talking on the phone for awhile. So while I'm on the phone with Justin (we all know this is my new "crush" right?) someone knocks on my door, which totaly freaks me out (not like someone who's gonna kill me or rob me would really knock, but still). So I go and answer the door and Dave Denton and Spanky are standing there. So I'm all (to Justin) "Hang on a second" (do we all also know that Dave really likes me and has been tryign to get with me forever?) So I'm all (to Dave and Spanky) "What're you doing here?!" (it was like 12:45 or so) and Dave's all "What do you mean what am I doing here?" and I'm all "Ummm why are you at my house?" and he's all "You texted me and said 'Ooo baby I want you bad come over here right now' so here I am" and I was all "Ummm I don't even have a cell phone, Brittany left over an hour ago." And he was all "Seriously?" and I was all "Yah, so I'll talk to you later." and then I closed my door on him. haha So I get back on the phone and Justin was all "Ummm what was that all about?" haha yikes.

So after I got off the phone with Justin I called Brittany and left her a hate voice mail and then she called me back at like 1:30 all laughing at me and shit. I was all "I hate you!!!" (in case you're not catching on Brittany was texting Dave pretending to be me)

hahaha I hate you Brittany "Jag" Halpin!!!
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