Mar 10, 2006 13:08
how come we can use this LJ to write whatever we want about ourselves. we can embelish, we can state every single detail of our lives...we put personal accounts to what has happened in our's just as "un-safe" as but how come i am not able to go to myspace during school? how come i can com on to LJ with no need for a PROXY? and if we are able to get on to proxys...why not just allow us to use the proxy? if we want to be on a site that badly...this is rediculos.
NOW about the whole "unsafe" aspect of the internet and putting your life out there for the public to gawk at. why do we do that? honestly if you don't want a person reading something about yourself you won't put that on an internet site dedicated to yourself.
To the parents that are worried about a person stalking your teenager on the internet and are paranoid that this stalker is going to come and get your precious "baby": you need to take a good look at your "baby's" page whatever it may be xanga, LJ, Myspace,FTJ, ect. because the pictures your innocent "baby" puts up are extremely provocative, and your "baby" put those pictures up with that intent, DUH! further read what he/she is putting on his/her page and realise that your "baby" has become what you considr a "slut."
the teens that don't put provocative pictures and provocative remarks on there page...they are leaving cries for help, they are depressed and need help...or they are fine but they are lonely so they aspire to be a disturbingly depressed there head they may wish to cut themesleves but don't because of the preconcieved notion that it is bad.
then there are the very few teens that know what they exhibit on their site has the capability of being seen by millions of people so they let out their entire soul and essence of themselves on a silver platter to be picked away by grubby society... those are the true whores but no one notices this, no one acknowledges it, and no one will ever care about these few.