What a long strange trip it's been...

Mar 24, 2009 22:03

Augh. So with the edits on the third part of my thesis, it's probably going hit about 70 pages long. Awesome. I'm so sick of looking up random details about people who aren't even that important to it. I think the problem is that I'm finding out with each and every edit, I'm not into the people so much as the structural and political factors of the Deportation. I really don't care about the individual lives at all but my adviser really does so I'm stuck. Aughhhhh. I really hate my thesis right now. I wish I'd done mine in political science but I got stuck in AMS because of their stupid degree requirement for a capstone. Now I'm paying the price by not wanting to even look at my thesis anymore. I literally feel like crying when I have to work on it. I just hate it so much. Augh. ::frustration:: Also, I had my third reader changed yesterday because my original one had forgotten that she needed to be in Vermont on the defense date. Yeah, so that's not been helping with the school stress overload.

Other than thesis stuff, I'm also stressed about figuring visa, student loan and banking stuff out for London. It looks like this is all going to be frustratingly time consuming. To get a bank account, one has to have an address, to get a flat and have an address you have to have a bank account. Circles within circles there. I'm sure the flat rental will be okay and we'll find someone who will take an Austrian and/or American bank account + cash for the time being, but still, it just adds a little stress. I can't wait for all this to be sorted in and be settled in London though. I'm super excited--I've wanted to live in London since my first trip there in February of 2005--this will be a dream come true for me. Plus, I'm freaking going to the London School of Economics and Political Science! I still can't believe I got accepted--I never imagined I'd get into such a great school. Other than the small stresses (and they are small in the long run I suppose) of thesis, visa, banking, loans, etc right now, it feels like everything is finally falling into place for my future career.

Other things that have fallen into place rather beautifully--Friday marks Phil and my one year anniversary. I can't believe how quickly the last year has flow. Feels like just yesterday I landed in Dublin. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I'm still confused as to where I am and how I got back to Arizona. I know I wasn't there so long but it was such an intense and beautiful time and it came to feel like home to me. When I'm in London, I'm going to have to take some cheap Ryanair flights back to Dublin to visit. I was thinking if I can't find work in London after I graduate, I'll look in Dublin. Or maybe after a few years in London, I'll move back to Dublin for a few years or so. I'm really hoping to stay in Europe for several more years before moving back to the States for a bit. Can't just give up on the US--I'm thinking Seattle, San Fran or DC. Possibly NYC if I like it--I plan on visiting my friend Audrey sometime after she moves there for Columbia in the fall. Hopefully all these plans will work out in the future. We'll just have to see.

I'm calling it a night on the thesis for today. I'll reprise work on it tomorrow and have it all finished tomorrow night. Sound good to you all? Cause it sounds good to me.

Also, for those who were worried about Bear--he's doing much better now. While he's still obviously in pain, he's in better spirits now and on the mend. Of course, he's officially the most pathetic looking creature ever now--what with the puncture wounds, massive bruising and swelling, shaved fur patches from the surgery prep, and one of those silly cones to stop him from licking. Would you believe, when I go for walks in the evening though, he still wants to go along? Silly, silly dog.

Yeah, so that's my update for the night. I'm sure I'll update again when I next need to avoid homework and destress for a bit.

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