(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 01:14

shit day. but then again, it's sunday, and sunday's are always really busy at work, so that sucked. got off, drove to the state line for cigarettes, went back to work to get my apron, and it turns out lee left and i ended up having to work and close, on top of that.

me and jeremy got our shit done pretty fast, and me, him, and kristy made plans to go to ihop after kristy got off, seeing how we were all starved. i was going to call jay and invite him, but jeremy said when he talked to him earlier, he was on his way home. *sniffle* :(

but anyhoo, justin, blake, marc, and ryan ended up coming up there and we all sat in the parking lot for 4327483 forevers waiting for kristy to get done, and finally around 11, she did, and we all piled into our cars (well, ryan and blake with me, and kristy in hers and everyone else in jeremy's), and turned out ihop was already closed, so we just went to waffle house.

had fun times, you know, me spitting out my drink everywhere, listening to justin and the waitress compare drug charges, blake doing the whole lieutenant dan thing. came home, and here i am. i tried calling jay a few times to tell him goodnight and such, but no luck. guess he was already asleep. *shrug* no jasper talk for me tonight.

i have one day off this week, and that's the day we're all going to the beach. sucksucksuck. not pc, the whole one day off thing. oh well, i need the money... i guess.

i hate kristy. she keeps telling everyone my hair makes me look like david cassidy. growl.

i have the biggest headache in the world right now. so i think i'm going to take some tylenol and hit the hay. 'night.
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