(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 00:04

oh my god, i thought i'd give playing my ataris cd (blue skies, broken hearts..) a shot since it refuses to work in my car b/c it's all fucked up and it doesn't work in here, either. i really need to buy it again. or... someone should let me burn it or something. (*coughNIKKIcough*) and i just saw that episode of the nanny that had lamp chop on it. totally made my night. that, and jasper. but yeah, that was expected.

anyway, the fair's coming up. and the fact that i'm brokebrokebroke sucks. me, jay, and his mini-posse are supposed to be going friday night. the thing is, i'm not sure if i'll have the money to do a bunch of shit. that includes riding anything. b/c god knows i need to save my money for other things. :( oh well, if all else fails, i'll just pay to get in and walk around or some shat like that. *shrug*

and apparently karina's been trying to stop by for a good while. note to her: knock louder.

blar. survey time. please ignore.

[ - What is - ]
>-- Your most overused phrase on AIM : 'heh'.
>-- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: must... call... jay, don't go back to sleep.
>-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : jasper.
>-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : lips.
>-- The best name for a butler : mom.
>-- Your best feature : cue insecure self. none.
>-- Your bedtime : between 12 and 4.
>-- Your greatest fear : being alone.
>-- Your greatest accomplishment : paying off my car rocked, finally spilling my feelings for jay after holding them in for 2 months rocked, too. and... i can kinda whistle now.
>-- Your most missed memory : christmas when i was a wee shea.
>-- In your cd player right now : the ataris
>-- Your favorite car : the protege, of course. ;) and the jimmy rocks my face, as well. so manly and intimidating. 'rumble, rumble' said the jimmy.
>-- The one thing you would change about yourself : that i wouldn't cry at the drop of a hat.
[ - Who is - ]
>-- Your best friend(s) are: brandi and jennifer.
>-- The last person you called: jasper.
>-- The last person that called you : my mom.
>-- Online on your buddy list : 3
[ - Do you - ]
>-- Take a shower every day : i try.
>-- Have a(ny) crush(es) : jaspa'.
>-- Think you've been in love : of course.
>-- Want to go to college : yes. but will i? we'll see.
>-- Want to get married : mmhmm.
>-- Type with your fingers on the right keys : yeah, b/c it's habit like that.
>-- Believe in yourself : occasionally.
>-- Have any tattoos : no. do i want one/some? yesyesyes.
>-- Have any piercings : 6 in ears, belly button, and tongue.
>-- Get motion sickness : not really.
>-- Think you're a health freak : pssh.
>-- Get along with your parents : parent. yes.
>-- Like thunderstorms : when i'm not driving, sure.
>-- Drink : last time i drank was a good YEAR ago. :(
>-- Think you're popular : shit, no.
[ - the future - ]
>-- Age you hope to be married : whenever it feels right.
>-- Number and names of children : number? only fertility can tell.
>-- Where do you see yourself at age 20 : still working at pofolks, still being a loserface, and anticipating jay getting out of school.
>-- Describe your dream wedding : don't necessarily have one.
>-- How do you wanna die : shit if i know. i'll get back to you on that.
>-- What do you wanna do when you grow up : cosmotology. ;)
>-- What country would you most like to visit : bratslavia.
[ - opposite sex - ]
>-- Best eye color : brown.
>-- Best hair color : brown.
>-- Short or long hair : long.
>-- Best height : taller than me. but then again, that's inevitable. :-\
>-- Best article of clothing : tight pants. ;)
[ - other - ]
>-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal : ummm, it's been a few years.
>-- How many rings until you answer the phone : however many it takes for me to pick it up.
>-- What's on your mouse pad : nemo.
>-- How many schools have you been to : 1.
>-- What color is your bedroom carpet : it used to be blue...
>-- If you were to own a bar or restaurant what would you name it : mueder spueder's
>-- Have you ever run from the cops : eh, i don't know if you'd call it that.
>-- Do you have any secret fetishes : hairy asscracks.
[ - the last - ]
>-- Dream : my brakes failed and i crashed into jay's van and i died. the end.
>-- Car ride : to/from work.
>-- Time you cried : last night before i went to sleep.
>-- Movie watched : all i wanna do. rockrockrock.
>-- Movie rented : a cinderella story.
>-- Word said : yay.
>-- Time you laughed : about 10 minutes ago.
>-- Phone call : about an hour ago. failed attempt to call jay.
>-- CD played : ATTEMPTED: the ataris.
>-- Song you listened to : bits of 'your boyfriend sucks'
>-- Annoyance : see above.
>-- IM : jay and sully.
>-- Weird encounter : um...
>-- Person you hugged : my lover.
>-- Time you wore a skirt : sunday night.

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