Jul 14, 2006 15:59
So one of my eight year olds comes up to me today and has a big smile on her face.
Her: Ms. Ann Taylor, Ms. Ann Taylor, guess what?
Me: What??
Her: I'm white!
Me: You're what now?
Her: My mamma said last night that my great granddaddy was white! She even showed me pictures!
Next quote- one of the projects for the kids is to cut out from magazines pictures that they liked so that they could paste them on these cut outs we made of their bodies. One of my eleven year olds had picked out all designer clothes, really nice purses, great electronics..basically everything she could find that seemed expensive to her.
So I asked her: Okay Tykia, how are you planning on paying for all that?
Tykia: Oh I'm going to marry a white guy.
They say these things with these huge eyes and just look so innocent. Oh kids, gotta love em. They're exhausting, but oh so cute.