I met with Ambassador Steve Maloney today for entry into the Foreign Service. I will be meeting him again tomorrow after my FAA Medical Exam. Then on to the Veteran's Expo.
"Looks like you have many options. FSO Exams are some of the hardest tests. Take a few months of study and an internship. (It reminds me of the movie, Man Without a Face). I'd take up that govt. contract, look into the CIA with your experience after the two year contract. Do some foreign travel abroad. If you start on your GI Bill, remember the clock starts and doesn't stop."
You are deciding your life right now.
“In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” - Theodore Roosevelt
I talked to my cousin Brent this evening. I haven't heard from him in years. We were talking and I think its been ten years. He is living out in Northern California on a ranch where he spends his days finishing, tending to the gardens, livestock and construction jobs. I called to ask about how he went to Laos and Cambodia. I remember all the pictures and him talking about it back in 2000, It made an impression on me. We ended up talking for hours about travel, wwoofing, sustainable living, and the hippie life. The thing he enjoys most is his girlfriend, their little girl, and the solitude of nature. He said, if you want to travel, do it. You meet people and they offer a place to stay and tour you around its just different hospitality in foreign countries. It isn't hard, but it just be open to no expectations.