Often it is the deepest pain that empowers you to grow to your highest self.

Dec 04, 2012 21:05

For 28 December, I was told I was in for "the garbage that is coming to the surface. What you don't see is the light pushing it up.Don't focus on the tricks, terrible games, the negative that will pop up. Don't create from unconscious. Be aware of those in a lower conciousness/vibration stirring you up. It is an awakening through Saturn. Connect with others of light and like mindedness.  You cannot fight darkness, but you can dissipate it with a single candle."

I thought, well whatever.The only thing I was worried about was this evening and making sure Justin picks up all his belongings that I have left by the door. I really just want to close the chapter without any drama.

I figured that Justin would't come pick up his things. He did't to which I was not surprised..

But I did get a surprise today..I got told that I would have to go and see the commander tomorrow.  


 "In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein
And I thought what now? It was totally out of the blue. I thought we were done trying to crucify me for past mistakes. I had done whatever I could to come back from leave with a new start, getting everything done asked, so they could just let it be. Be at peace at work.  After I got out of the office, I was pulled aside by several people. 
"Look we all love, cherish, adore, and respect you. None of us like this, but the Major does whatever he can to save face. We all know he cares only about upward mobility, save face, and how things look to command. Its not your fault, we all know it.  It is like if you have bars you can do no wrong, but woe to you stripes. We all been thinking about filing a Article 138 and you should talk to ADC to start the process".

I said, "I been busy doing some soul searching lately. I'm just tired of all the challenges."
"We can tell."
So I figured first things first, tonight, fix the private life first. I really just want Justin to get his belongings sitting by the door. I was so relieved when he txted to say that he couldn't do it. I just need to stop stressing over worring about an arguement, or something happening, just get it over with, and move on.
 Stop stressing about people who don't deserve room in your heart.
Don't get even, get better. Being Awesome is the best revenge.

Which brings we to what has been on my mind, 2012 (And see it as the greatest honor to be alive at this time), yes, of course,  (to which I've been watching documentaries of Stargate 2012 by William Henry), but 2013.
2013. The future.
I think this is going to be my new years resolution:

Finding my authentic-self.

A new start, new appearance, but a makeover from the inside out, restructured from the inner, the inner then becoming the re-construction of the outer. Am I living a life based upon my own terms or a life based on others and the outside? Finding your authentic self. Our authentic self-evolution of soul/higher self.
Pain or Grow. Heal scars, not pick at them. Releasing the past. Clean out and clear out what no longer serves to better. Living from my own heart, there will be healing. Life goes on. A Phoenix rising from the ashes. Paying attention not only to how people are perceiving me, but how I am perceiving myself.  Center myself. Find balance. Coming into my own power. Do whatever your want to do this year. Have real growth from the inside out. Work on spiritual evolution rather than ego based. More freedom both inner and outer. Revolutionize. Abolitionize.
More freedom. I am going to travel. I am going to free myself from excessive drama of/and with other people. Its all going to be an intense energy flow, but with less stress. I am not going to ask for easy life, but to be a better man to be able to overcome.
And the big issue,
Not letting my limited mind, limit me.
What gives me passion and what is holding me back? Realising negative, releasing what no longer needs holding on to, releasing duality consciousness, and using 100% consciousness. Clearing out all ego self and making room for the 'holy'self. Shedding the skin of the ego self, to the "I Am" presence. A journey of self-discovery. Conscious creation. How am I creating my reality? What do I want to attract? What am I really? Who am I really? A Transformation. Hope in the darkness for Love/Light for myself. So -

I'm going to work on relationship with myself.

By happenstance tonight, I talked to Jeanice and said-
"I'm really wanting to do what I want to do...which is real growth from the inside out so that I can be less oppressed from the outside. More freedom. This next year I really want to build a relationship with myself so I can be free from the excessive demands of others. I would like to do that so I can have a good, kind, happy future, a re-beginning. I am trying to keep my head looking up trusting in my own intuition and authority."

And to top it off, I've been thinking of who are the people that have the light, love, positive, that will help me in this resolution? I've been talking to Irina, and just like the lighthouse she has been in the stormy seas I of life I sail.. (I know, just change the sails to ride the winds not fight against it.) ,well she posted this. -

The wound is the place where the light enters you.
 After everything of today, what I have been thinking, looking into lately,.. I read that..
The synchronicity floored my heart. I cried because it was exactly what I needed to read at that moment.

So I'm not going to fret about tomorrow, for tomorrow can take care of itself. I'm going to take the first steps on my resolution. I'm going to get back into the habits of education, yoga, working out regularly,writing, photography, and traveling. Tonight I've been reading the following, looking at the pictures from these sites,(The Idealist, Positive Thinking,Simple Reminders, Pleiadian Stars) and thinking upon them.

Often it is the deepest pain which empowers you to grow into your highest self. 

Every Challenge Lies and Opportunity to Shine, Grow and Learn.

Personality is the tip of the iceberg someone shows you . Character is their foundation.

 Resentment merely dims your light.
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