
Oct 20, 2008 22:42

Taxed off yourstrulytessa & naked_surfer...

anonymously, say whatever you want. i mean it. tell me anything and everything. go nuts. tell me what you think of me. feel free to be as nice or as nasty as you wish, as long as it's honest. tell me how you're feeling right now. tell me what's on your mind or something that's been bugging you and you want to get off your chest. tell me a story you've just made up or shout at me about something. tell me a secret. comment as many times as you like. anything goes. you can also SPAM!

"Although i'll just add this - if you're gonna tell me im a cunt, be tactful cos i've had a harsh day lol." - Also taxing off naked_surfer because I've had a shit day too.


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