
Jun 25, 2006 22:46 yeah. >.>

I'm really hoping that corn I just ate for dinner wasn't bad.

'cause in retrospect, it tasted kinda funky.

...if I never post on here again, it's because I died from bad corn.

EDIT: (11:40PM) sister just bit my head.

EDIT: (12:03AM) cat is eating his foot. >.>


just thought you ought to know.

EDIT: (12:17AM) HOSHIT, seto's darkness is updating naruto fanfics again. this translates into like...ten new fics. ;___; shit. wtf. but OHTHANKGOD, one of them is a oneshot! ::falls over::

EDIT: (1:24AM) annnnd a little meme I stole from nyusama, who I do not know.

The Series/General:
1. Do you even know what Naruto is? (If you don't, just don't take this quiz.)
I was actually discussing this with my sister earlier today, about what I would say if some dufus fan saw my four naruto wristbands and snottily asked me if I knew what it even was. my response would be the following: "considering I've read 312 chapters and watched 189 episodes of the series, I would certainly hope I knew what it was."

2. Do you enjoy watching it/reading it?
...see above. >.> would I have watched/read it that long if I didn't enjoy it?

3. Do you like shinobi?

4. Do you hate samurai?

5. How about pirates?
I hate some. I like others. ::coughjacksparrowcough::

6. Who's your favorite character?
...there's a list. >.> ah... (not in order) sasuke, sai, naruto, neji, gaara, yondaime hokage, kakashi, iruka, shikamaru, shino, kiba, hinata, tsunade, jiraiya...others...loooooads of others...

7. If you could spend one day with any character, who would it be?
...good question. >.> naruto, probably.

8. Which are you: a Sasuke groupie or anti-Sasuke?
sasuke's an idiot. but I totally adore him. honestly.

9. If you could be a shinobi from any village, which village would it be?
konoha. seriously.

10. What would your rank be?
...chuunin? >.>

11. Do you have a crush on a character? Who and why? this a rhetorical question?

12. Did you cry when Haku died?
bawled. honestly. ^^;

13. Would you steal an ANBU mask from a jounin for fun?
...I like life, thnxverymuch.

14. Are you a Sakura hater or an Ino hater?
they were honestly rather annoying as kids, ino moreso, but they're cool. so no. I like them both.

15. Do you think Chouji is cute?
yes. very much so.

16. Do you find any of the following boys hot?: Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara, Neji, Itachi.
yes. to all of them. plus pretty much every other male in the series. and several of the females. (this, by the way, does NOT include orochimaru or kabuto).

17. Did you or do you believe Shikamaru is the coolest thing alive?
he's pretty spiffy. XD

18. Do you love Lee?
yes. lots. and lots. and lots more.

19. How about Gai?
he's totally insane. XDD I love it.

20. Have you ever sympathized with Hinata?
she's so fecking cute, dammit!

21. Do you think Temari is the most awesome kunoichi ever?
...I honestly think she's a bitch, even if I do like her. XD

22. Have you ever wished a minor character became a major one?
...sai. >.> which is happening, thank god. because he is and more love.

23. Have you wanted to touch the Kikai insects?
yes. >.>

24. Do you like the Kyuubi?
I'm actually not sure about this one. I think I'll wait and see what happens with him, later in the series.

25. Shukaku?
aaaaaaah, no. >.> shukaku's a crazy motherfucker.

26. Do you think Deidara and Ino look the same? oO;

27. Ever wanted to touch Akamaru?
he's adorable. X333

28. Did you ever want to poke fun at Ebisu and call him a "closet pervert?"
uhm...duh. of course I have. o.o

29. Ever wondered why Kisame looks waaaaay too much like a real shark?
...not particularly, no. (he's hot, though; his skin's blue)

30. Do you hate Orochimaru?
yes. tremendously.

31. What about Kabuto?

32. Have you ever wished Tsunade would get breast reduction surgery? I do not envy her (big boobs are a pain), but no.

33. You ever feel so bad for Hayate, you just want to squeeze him to death?

34. Do you think the Yondaime is hot?
is this a rhetorical question? YES. YES. YES. YES. YES.

35. Do you think he's Naruto's father?
it's hard to believe he isn't.

36. Ever wondered what Kakashi actually looks like?
...I'm personally going with the buck-teeth or fish-lips theory. XD

37. Name all the minor ANBU, Jounin, and Chunnin characters you can think of.
hayate, raidou, gemma, koutetsu, izumo, aobu. are kurenai and asuma minor?

38. Have you wondered how Jiraiya's face markings have moved down his cheeks over the years?
...not really, no.

39. Does that remind you of Kiba in any way?
ah...should it? oO;

40. Do you like any of the Sound nin?
kimimaro. definitely. ♥

41. Have you wished there were more nin from the Cloud village?
...why would I have? oO;

42. What's your favorite Kekkei Genkai?
in all honesty? I love all the ones that have shown up in the manga. (any in the anime I don't count, unless they're from the manga). they're all wicked cool.

43. Have you ever pitied Naruto?
why would I pity him?! sympathize, yes. admire, yes. love, yes. but never pity.

44. Ever think Itachi had a good reason to kill the Uchiha clan?
until kishimoto gives us one, no.

45. What jutsu is your favorite?
rasengan. ('cause it's so much fun to shout). kuchiyose. hiraishin.

46. Have you ever cried for Gaara? Wished he got more sleep?
...if someone's got a sad past in this series, I've cried for them. and I just wish he could get sleep without shukaku murdering half the universe.

47. How much debt do you think Iruka is in after buying ramen for Naruto year after year?
...I've often wondered how he can afford to buy naruto ramen on a teacher's salary, yes.

48. Do you like Naruto's frog wallet? Would you like one?
yes. I would. XD it's adorable.

49. Have you ever made a Naruto OC?
god, no. x.x

50. If so, describe he/she, his/her abilities and their background.
see above

51. Do you think Kurenai is an Uchiha clan poser?
ah...why would I?

52. Ever wanted to knock a cigarette out of Asuma's hand/mouth?
no. XD he'd probably slice me open with his really spiffy chakra-weapon-thingies-whose-name-I-cannot-remember.

53. Did you cry when Obito died?

54. Do you think Anko is just a female version of Naruto?
ah, no. oO;

55. Did you ever wonder what it would be like if the Naruto characters lived in the present time?
eh, sorta-kinda-maybe-but-not-really.

56. Do you like making fun of the Naruto characters? If so, who?
...ebisu. yes. and orochimaru and kabuto. used to make fun of itachi, but I've just...stopped really caring about him.

57. Do you want one of those bows Orochimaru and most of his slaves wear?
...I actually have to admire kabuto, somewhat, for not having the stupid ass-bow. I mean, come on. and sasuke, wtf were you thinking?!

58. Have you ever wondered why the Naruto guys DON'T kick eachother in the balls even when they have a PERFECT chance to?
I kinda of just assume they're too intent on fucking each other to want to try an injure each other's ah..."family jewels".

59. You know all those main-minor characters? Sometimes their past is NOT unveiled; have you ever wanted to know what the hell happened?

60. Do you hate the pairings that don't make any sense?
YES. I hate them. I want them to die a forky death. seriously.

edited, kitty, if i never post again you know why, food

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