eh heh heh...

Jan 14, 2007 20:02

so yeah. XD

got myself back into HOCRAPNARUTO-mode.

we made laurie watch naruto. XD or, well, she suggested it. and we watched the first 7 episodes. and then rosie and I watched up to episode 10 after laurie left.

GOD, I'd forgotten how much I loved the anime. ;~; seriously. I spent the entire time talking to myself (in my head) about certain artistic/technical details about the drawing style that I loved. for example, in the Wave Country arc. when they were in mist? all the colors were a lot dimmer, the lines blurred and less sharp. I kept gushing over this kinda stuff. XD;

so yeah. rosie and I really need to catch up on the manga (we're about four chapters behind, much to my chagrin), and I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL FEBRUARY. when the filler ends and they START SHOWING NEW EPISODES AGAIN. *FLAIL*

and I've uploaded all my supernatural screencaps (all the ones I'd saved, I mean) to photobucket, so I deleted them from my computer and am now saving more episodes of screencaps. XD

and for those curious, the swelling around my eye has gone down.


naruto, music, supernatural, spazz, teh rosie

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