*clears throat*

Jan 11, 2007 22:32

my father scared the SHIT out of rosie and I earlier, but I'm too lazy to type it all out so if you're curious you can go read about it at her journal, here. let's just say it was YET ANOTHER bout of supernatural paranoia.

BECAUSE WE WATCHED FOUR STRAIGHT EPISODES, TODAY. 8D I downloaded the four episodes I hadn't seen, so we watched them when rosie got home. ooooooomg. "Simon Said" was really kinda creapy, because it was about two kids who could control what people did by talking to them. I mean, one of them talked Dean into letting him have the IMPALA, and if you know Dean you know he's fucking possessive of that car. and the other almost made Dean shoot himself in the head. *shudder* "No Exit" had us jumping so much, because there were a couple scenes where Jo (who I like, actually) was trapped by the ghost of America's first real serial killer (H.H. Holmes, for those curious) and we kept expecting to suddenly see his face pop up in front of the slit in her prison, you know? except all of a sudden HE SHOVED HIS HAND THROUGH IT. and we screamed and hyperventilated and inhaled little mints which we have discovered calm us down so we have a steady supply of them nearby when watching Supernatural, now, and we need to go out and buy more because we're going to run out REALLY QUICKLY but ANYWAY. GETTING OFF TOPIC HERE. and then "The Usual Suspects", just...uhm...Dean got caught by the police. at the scene of a crime he walked into AFTER it had been committed. and DUDE. THERE WAS LOTS OF "HOSHITGHOST" JUMPAGE AND NEAR HEART ATTACKS AND MINT DEPENDENCY IN THIS EPISODE. YEESH. WE NEARLY DIED LIKE...FIVE TIMES. but it was sooooooooooo good, anyway. and dude, I am now forever in fear of accidentally typing the name Dana Shulps and seeing it appear all over the place. or randomly working printers that shoot out page after page of the same two words over and over and over and over and over and OWSHIT. okay, done. XD; I just slapped myself to make myself stop.


so the new episode of Supernatural ALSO had us jumping. but it was mainly because this girl whom we've NEVER met before had a vision of Sammy GETTING BLOWN UP in the beginning of the episode. and then WE FINALLY FOUND OUT WHAT JOHN HAD TOLD DEAN JUST BEFORE HE WENT AND GAVE HIMSELF TO THE DEMON, which wasn't quite as drastic as I'd feared BUT STILL REALLY SUCKED, OH EM GEE. and then there was GORDON. WHO SUCKS ASS OMG. I WANT HIM TO DIE. so yeah, he was shooting at Sammy in his motel room, and Dean totally kicked the crap out of him. ...until he kicked Dean in the face and knocked him out and TIED HIM UP TO A CHAIR TO LURE SAMMY TO HIM SO HE COULD BLOW HIM UP. (and dude. every episode, Sam either gets thrown into something, generally a shelf full of books or medical appliances, and Dean gets tied up. seriously, you two. find something else to do. those aren't very healthy habits.) BUT SAM GOT GORDON ARRESTED AT THE END, AND I HOPE HE ENDS UP GETTING BUTTRAPED IN PRISON SO MANY TIMES HIS ASS FALLS OFF.

anyway. XD;

we had quite the event for nearly the whole time we were watching Supernatural, too. WE HAD A BIT OF A CHIMNEY FIRE in the living room, inside the wood stove. so we spent the entire episode trying to hear Supernatural over my two dogs, who really NEVER STOPPED BARKING OMG. 'cause there were firemen coming in and out of the house all the time.

it was interesting, let's put it that way.

new stuff in bold.

- e-mail professors and see if they'll give me the codes for the books I need, so that I can get them at a used bookstore instead of having to spend my retirement fund on them in the school bookstore.
- GET the books.
- sell last semester's books.

- save up money for anime boston AND loz cosplay.
- buy loz cosplay
- ask laurie if she's allergic to cats and/or dogs
- make an eye doctor appointment to get prescription for contacts (include rosie) - GET LICENSE FIRST so I can bring rosie, 'cause mum and dad won't do it
- plan out anime boston schedule; when are we going, how are we paying, how are we getting there, etc.

- schedule driving test appointment (call on monday)
- look up info to see what sort of ID is needed, rules for driving tests, etc.

- look into other colleges, fill out applications, etc.
- DO WELL THIS SEMESTER. that means all the papers, reading, random assignments, and tests.

- read more off-line books

- start looking around for jobs to apply for once license is received

- EXERCISE. schedule time every day or something to DO it. started doing that today.
- CREATE exercise schedule
- spend less time inside. go for walks, jogs, whatever. plan walks every day with rosie, no more than 1 hr. long. started doing that today.
- schedule a doctor's appointment, including vaccines for HPV and anything else doctor thinks we need
- at doctor's appt. ASK ABOUT HELP FOR ADHD (and OCD).

- look into various knives
- starting looking into various exorcism rituals, how to holy-fy water, etc.
- stock up on salt
- figure out when to have wifey teach us how to hotwire a car.
- figure out when we can see shawn, to have him teach us how to pick locks and wield weapons
- learn how to hack into websites, etc.
- make sure AT LEAST one of each type of weapon has pure iron ammo/blade.

- make rosie a supernatural header.
- make icons.
- write the icon tutorial requested a few posts ago

- stamp people at ninjafy. have stamped two or three.

- finish writing claims
- write short-story and send in to some sort of magazine.

- try and plan out time to hang out with friends and play cards, like I talked about with sarah.
- get more Japanese snacks/drinks to eat at the card day or whatever.

- take photographs
- do sketch test.

and I'm still looking for books you'd recommend, btw.

supernatural-paranoia, real life, supernatural, all caps, to-do list, omg, spazz, teh rosie

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