
Jan 09, 2007 23:05

I feel both really crappy and really good, at the same time.

really good, because I finally took photos for photo class and did the sketch test. really crappy, because I spent almost five hours of photography classes thinking I'd left all the film at home so I couldn't develop it, having to print contact sheets of my mother's film because that was all I really had to do, and then discovering the roll of film in the bottom of my photo bag, ten minutes before we had to clean up and leave.

really good, because I called the RMV and scheduled my driver's test (even though I had to call twice, 'cause the first time I spent ten minutes on the phone and never talked to anyone). really crappy, because it's NEXT THURSDAY and I'm nervous and have to spend as much time driving between now and then as physically possible.

really good, because yesterday I woke up at 6 in the morning instead of 11, went for an hour-long walk and exercised for the first time in months. really crappy, because I slept until 10 this morning and am really freaking sore and really fucking tired because I got maybe four hours of sleep yesterday and then exercised for the first time in months.

ANYWAY. obsessing over a different metallica song, now. XD;

and my parting shot, before I do a few more things and go to bed, are the following lyrics. 'cause they make me laugh. not from the song I'm listening to, though.

"Dance little tin goddess, dance."

real life, music, photo, good mood, metallica

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