Art Claim Time

Jun 20, 2014 13:54

It's claims time! Claims, although hectic, is actually quite simple. At the bottom of the post is a handy little text box. Just fill in the information! You need to list three preferences, if possible, in case your first is not available. Requests will be filled in the order they are received and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. If there is an error at any time, please notify me immediately via my email -- -- and I will correct it as quickly as possible. Artists will claim one fic at first; if after a week there are still fics unclaimed, then artists will be allowed to claim a second one if they wish.

Preference #1: #
Preference #2 #
Preference #3: #Each artist will be PMed as they claim their fic.

Summaries are officially closed now unless there are extenuating circumstances, which means that this round we have 6 fics up for art claims!

1) An AR version of Elizabeth Weir is found when the Atlantis team tracks a mysterious message to its source. Her Atlantis is gone, but they hadn't gone down without a fight, and this Elizabeth is a little more military, and even though she may been the last survivor from an alternate reality she is going to make damn sure that the fate that befell her own will not happen to this one.
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