Jun 15, 2007 01:42
So I went out with Mackensie today.
Well, yesterday technically cause it's 1:47 am now.
We went to Tisane in Hartford. It's this kickass teahouse where we talked for hours. After that we went to the mall and I bought the most awesome present for Colin. If Mer~mer reads this she'll know what it is. I can't wait to give it to him. I won't say what it is incase he reads this. I'll have to post again about that.
I was watching CSI a little while ago and holding it. I was thinking about how some people believe that when you touch and hold things alot some of your life energies are transfered into them. That's how psychics supposedly see people or have visions when they touch somehting that belongs to a person.
I have no idea if there's any truth to that, but who does? So I held the present for a long time and played with it. Maybe some of my life energy is in it now. That sounds kinda creepy but it could be romantic if you look at it right. :P
I mentioned I was tipsy, sorry. So anyway Macky and I popped a few beers we uh, found in the street. Then went over to Border's and read some funny books till they kicked us out.
We hit of a Taco Bell and then parked in the park across from Goodwin Tech to mix some vodka (we had also found in the street, lucky us) with my moutain dew, and played on the playground.
Then this guy walked up. I was on top of the playscape, by the slides and Mackensie was sitting at the bottom. He walked right up to her and started talking. At first I though, "oh fuck itsa cop!" but he was just rambling about "I just walked from way over there, are there any kids around, yeah hi whats up I'm Juanito."
This guy was drawling fucking drunker than I was! I thought about staying up on top of the playscape, cause it was abotu midnight and drunk guy in the park is baaad news. I figured if he tried anything Macky and I would have a better chance against him together so I climbed down the rope ladder thingy and stood next to her.
This guy shows Macky his tattoo and starts tellin how he got it from some guy near a 7-11 who walked in on his wife with some guy and killed her. I'm fuckign serious. Then he starts this 30 minute story about how after he graduated high school he was working at some auto shop and he got a raise, "Man gimme the key and say 'you lock up' I'z like 'heeey!'" He's living wiht this chick for 6 years and one day he comes home to see somebody's car in the driveway he doesnt recognize. He sees a light on in their bedroom but not in the living room. He creeps up the stairs, slowly, slowly, and thinks he hears some movie or tv playing in the bedroom. "Uhn, uhn, oh! I'm hearing," he says as he slowly opens the door.
There's his wife banging some guy. Our friend Juanito is crushed, completely heartbroken and heads for the corner of the room where apparently he keeps his baseball bat.
I kid you not. I was standing in the middle of some New Fuck Britain park with Macky, kinda tipsy, at midnight, listening to some drunker, high or something else guy tell us his fucking life story.
Suddenly he starts preaching about the evils of ever laying hands on a woman. He's never wrongfully touched a lady, of course no matter what you never hit a lady, except for this one time he made a mistake... But he didn't hurt his girl when he caught her, because that's wrong. He beat the shit out of her guy but her, nooo. For her instead he got this tape, he was moving you know? They had to tape up some big boxes so they had some big tape lying around and he used that to tape her arms and legs up. He wrapped her up real good. Of course she's whining, crying, screaming, "Baby! baby no! no please! Don't! I'm sorry!"
Juanito just looked at her and said, "How could you do this to me? I gave you food, a home, liquor, everything! What did I ever do to deserve this?"
This went on for a long time. Juanito drifted into different random tangents while repeating the cheating girlfriend story about 7 times. Eventually we were able to but it that we had to be going. I moved for the car but he got close to Mackensie and whispered something which I was later told was, "Yo quiero cocaina?" However the hell you spell that. He was trying to give us coke.
Mackensie seriously says, "No thanks, I don't do that. Uh, no, neither does she. Do you want some beers?"
She was trying to give him something so he'd leave us alone I guess. I was one foot in the passenger seat and Macky's buy the trunk handing this guy a couple beers. He says, "Why you given me two? You like me? You know, we could go talk someplace, have a good time and uh, maybe..." Then he lightly touched her stomach/hip apparently. I didnt see it I just saw her hop in the car and peal away as Juanito started walking towards the car.
We had a good laugh about it outside her house. It was fucking scary though.
Yep. Good times with Macky.