Good Sports Weekend.

Sep 27, 2004 08:09

It was a pretty good weekend for sports.

I witnessed the end of a boxing era on Saturday night, as Roy Jones got knocked the f*ck out by some nobody named Glen Johnson, so I guess HE'S finished.  Great career though, as he was once one of the best fighters I'd ever seen.  Hopefully he finds something that he can put his heart into now that it's apparant that boxing no longer motivates the guy.  Looking forward to Trinidad/Mayorga this weekend, and it SHOULD be exciting, as BOTH guys are known bombers.


My Raiders sent the Tampa Bay Buccaneers back home to Tampa with an 0-3 record.  That should quiet a few of the naysayers who think that the Raiders are in for a similar season to last.  *cough* Matt *cough*


Bring on the Texans!


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