I'm in the process of tidying my room. Ughh. So far I've stripped the bed (which was so disgustingly filthy, it hasn't been changed since last time Sarah slept because it still had her eyeliner smudges all over the pillow, she hasn't slept for months, shudder). My eyes and nose are already streaming with the dust. I'm doing the same breaks as I have at work, 20 minutes before lunch and 20 minutes after, 1 hour for lunch, haha. It will be great to actually see my floor again though, I've already picked up and folded a load of clothes, aswell as piling a load in the washing basket for muttrags. I'm listening to The Kinks really loud to make tidying a bit more barable but the CD is going to finish soon.
Went out last night, was pretty boring and my feet were hurting. I was wearing jeans last night and Sunday night, quite a bizare experience. There's nothing to write about last night and Sunday night seems to long ago to write about, although it was a fantastic night.
The other morning I was at the bus stop with my Mam and she told me I had something in my teeth, 'how can this be' I thought, 'I have ate nothing this morning and I brushed my teeth thoroughly just 20 minutes ago'. I wiped my tooth. It was a fly! Ew gross minging fly guts in my teeth yack yack yack. Good job that was my mam telling me and not some hot guy. Not that I have any hot guys in my life to tell me that I have something in my teeth at all.
I'll post the answers to my song lines meme because I think people are done with the guessing. I think abi
cypseline got most right, well done, dunno though.